
In House Surface Decoration Demonstration 

Join us on Sunday, June 2, 1-4:30 pm for a relaxing afternoon of half-hour surface decoration demonstrations by Full-Circle Potters.

Techniques featured will be sgraffito, carving/sprigging, die-cutter stencils, texture slipwork, and pine needle weaving/ decoration.Featured potters are Inkie Brons, LeAnne LeTourtellotte, Melissa Bachrach, Michelle Urizar, Nadine Bradbury and Pam Stanley.

This workshop is available in person ($50) or virtual ($30) and includes on-site refreshments and a handout with recommended supplies.


Pit Fire At the Beach

Join us Sunday July 14, 6 am-5 pm, for a day of pit fire pottery at Dockweiler State Park Beach.  Bring up to four bisqued pieces and participate in a primal fire-building experience that will leave you tanned, happy and smelling like smoke. Cost is $95 plus a bundle of firewood.


Horse Hair Firing on The Patio 

Join us on Sunday, August  25 , 1-5 pm, at the studio for an afternoon of using horse hair and feathers to decorate your pottery.  Bring up to four bisqued and burnished pieces to fire in our hand made brick kiln on the patio.  The cost, $95, includes horse hair, feathers and lemonade.